What qualifications and experience do you need to be a mobile operations manager?
Additional information
I am a sixth form leaver and interested in operations management. Interested to learn more about the career pathway.
Anonymous asked a question to Operations
Category: How to apply
Date asked: Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Last reviewed: Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Scott D.
Operational Incident Controller
If you search the job it will list the following which are key too the role. Nothing that’s unachievable with a good development plan which allows training and experience to be gained.
Verbal and written communication skills
Decision making skills
Ability to pass competent in relevant rules & regulations
Prioritisation skills
Hold full driving licence
Computer literate in basic IT packages
First Aid Training
Conflict Management
Suicide Training
Non-Technical Skills
Analytical skills
Time management skills
Assessor Qualification
Advanced Driving / Driver awareness training
Power Operated tools competence e.g.- Small Plant
Investigation training
Hope that helps
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
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