Hi. Please tell me about any safety incident that you encountered and how you handled it. Thank you in advance.
Muz W. asked a question to Operations
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Last reviewed: Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Scott D.
Operational Incident Controller
Hi, Obviously I can't go into specific events but will just generalise the steps.
Most occasion I use 5 steps when attending an incident.
* Incident identification :- Establish what has happened. This then allows me to decide what safe systems are required, what needs dealing with or could need dealing with and who is required other than myself at location.
* Incident categorisation :- Is it a minor or major incident. What could be the effect from it. Environmental, injury, service disruption, etc.
* Incident prioritisation :- Prioritise what needs attending to first. Making the location safe is always number 1 before anything else. A person my be injured but without making the environment safe first could result in further injuries.
* Incident response :- Actions that need carrying out and the correct sequence with time scales to get everything back to normal asap.
* Incident closure :- Once the incident is over always review and learn. Things can always be improved upon and I never rest on my laurels.
I hope that helps in some way.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
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