Picture of What characteristics are required for the apprenticeship?

What characteristics are required for the apprenticeship?

Picture of Ava
23 responses

Joseph R. asked during the live chat Network Rail Shared Services Apprenticeship - Learn more about the scheme and Shared Services to Network Rail

Category: Role Description

Date asked: Thursday, February 22, 2024

Last reviewed: Thursday, February 22, 2024

Picture of Ava H.

Ava H.


Hello Im Ava! Some key characteristics are Communication, Team work, problem solving, adaptability as well as organization and work ethic!They all play an equal role

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Joseph R.

Thank you for answering Ava, following up from my previous question, would it helpful for apprentices to learn directly off of fellow workers at Network Rail, or would it better to improve individually?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Picture of Spencer B.

Spencer B.

Procurement To Pay - Apprentice

Hi Joseph, Nice to meet you :) Collaboration is KEY to Network Rail! Our teams are always happy to help guide you and help you develop in your career. I have found this to be one of the best things about Network Rail is that all the teams are always more than happy to teach you their area and how it can benefit you in your role and how you work with them! Individual improvement is still important, being proactive about your learning as well as working collaboratively will definitely help you develop faster!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Joseph R.

Thank you for answering Spencer, whilst I do like to work individually, it is great to know that teamwork and collaboration is important at Network Rail.

If I were to be a successful candidate, what would my first day/induction day consist of?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Picture of Spencer B.

Spencer B.

Procurement To Pay - Apprentice

So, your first day will consist of meeting the other apprentices, you will have a building induction from our Building Manager, then you will get your laptop, get a tour of the building ect, and then you will need to carry out the required E-Learning tasks which are very important for Network Rail as it shows you our standards and it also helps to keep you safe while working with us.

Elysia, please jump on this and tell more!!! :)

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Picture of Elysia B.

Elysia B.

Service Excellence Team Manager

Hi Joseph, your first day would consist of a building induction and fire safety. Safety is paramount to the business and we want to ensure all of our employees are kept safe. You would of course meet your colleagues who are starting on the apprenticeship journey alongside you as well as meet colleagues such as Spencer and our management team. I would provide you with an overview of what we will be covering in the first week but the first day is focused on you and learning more about you as individuals and integrating you into the business :) hope this helps

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Telsia T.

Sounds fantastic, thank you both for answering. Once the apprenticeship is completed, and depending on results of exams taken, does this guarantee you a position within Network Rail or do you need to go through another formal interview process?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Picture of Spencer B.

Spencer B.

Procurement To Pay - Apprentice

Unfortunately, you are not guaranteed a position. It depends on what roles are available at the end of the apprenticeship. However, if for example there is a role on the team you want, you will need to complete a formal interview to get the position.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Telsia T.

Thank you. How does Network rail invest in their apprentices?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Picture of Bradley M.

Bradley M.

Area Support Analyst

Hey Telsia, just to add to Spencer's message:

This will depend on several factors including whether the individual themselves pass the apprenticeship and if they wish to remain in Shared Services or move onto a different part of Network Rail. Whilst the apprenticeship is initially a fixed term contract, steps are always taken to provide opportunities at the end for those wishing to move into a permanent role.

Hope this helps!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Telsia T.

Yes this helps thank you.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Picture of Bradley M.

Bradley M.

Area Support Analyst

Regarding investing in our apprentices, this is a really good question!

In my experience, the opportunities for courses/qualifications/training are always there, it's just going out and grabbing them. Network Rail has a dedicated training department to ensure everyone has access to resources that allows for personal and professional development.

Me personally, I have completed many different courses which is essentially Network Rail investing in me, improving my asset (my brain!).

If you see an opportunity that you think will improve your knowledge, and you provide a sound business justification (why the training/course/qualification will be beneficial not only to you, but to Network Rail), in my experience, it's been granted :)

Hope this helps!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

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