Hi Kevin. Just asking to see if there would be any vacancies popping up for the wales and western unit?
Additional information
I am an 18 year old white hat track operative with some experience on site. i hold a full drivers license and hold some of the following tickets such as olec1,tic,dccr,pts ac,first aid(emergency),hedge strimmer. i am currently employed under agency but looking to make a change to make a career.
Anonymous asked a question to Kevin R.
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Last reviewed: Thursday, March 6, 2025
Kevin R.
Reliability Process Manager - Company SME in Design for Reliability
I work in the central TA team. I suggest keeping an eye on teh NR vacancy site where all the vacancies get posted.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
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